Might get the yyfriends paragraph

Anyone have one? What do you think?


two reviews by people more qualified than me since i don’t have one lol


Gingie’s review felt more transparent. I got mine the day his review dropped tho so didn’t help me, but the paragraph does feel rather heavy


I like the paragraph personally.


Definitely one of the better offerings in the price range right now if you trend a bit towards yoyos on the heavier side. I really like mine.

Topyo Null is the same price and a bit better if you like lighter throws.


its great for the price for sure


I would get the paragraph. I have 2.

Another yoyo with amazing performance is the R2FG Halbert.

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You can’t go wrong! Very solid feel to it as Gingie mentioned but I like that. Fits my style. Super capable throw though. Very stable a pleasure to hold. Really soft finish in the hand.

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Yoyojoe 1 has a really good review on it too

Good inner rim for thumb grinds?

Flat so if you angle it and catch gently it’ll do


If you’re thinking about getting one hoping it’ll be easy to finger spin and DNA, don’t. It’s terrible for finger spins unless you’re already really good at it. The finish is nice and smooth for grinds in general, but it plays heavy, kind of a clunker. I disliked mine enough to try and give to my kid, but he wouldn’t take it saying, “It kinda sucks.”

For $30 you’d be better off with a Shooting Star or spend $15 more and get Yoyorecreation’s Futura. That is a beautiful yoyo, both aesthetics and play.


Here’s PhilipYYFR’s overview, btw. He goes into finger spin performance at 10:35:


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@theendofcake, how did you embed those videos? :expressionless:

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i just plugged in the links from youtube on their own line

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Lmfaooo this couldn’t be further from the truth

100% a skill issue if you can’t fingerspin with incredible ease on this thing, I’m sorry. It literally has a dimple for it, Idk what else you could want man (buy a Cheatcode? Idk). I tried a raw glossy one at Nats and it was still giving a better experience than most yoyos. In the video you posted, Phillip literally says at both 11:52 and 12:04 (after fingerspinning it twice for over 10 seconds each time mind you) that it’s “actually really good at finger spins”

@mrJames just joined the forum and comes out with these wildly bad takes right out of the gate. There are times where opinions are just flat out… incorrect, and his take on this overall awesome yoyo is one of those times and the result of a lack of experience.


im ready :popcorn:

Wow, combative much? I can finger spin all day on a Haymaker, HaymakerX, SYFO, GOPA, Outlier 3, iCEBERG, Shooting Star, Durendal, Ouroboros, Melatonin, Death Adder, Spire (offstring), and a few others I can’t remember. Neither my son, nor I, can finger spin reliably on the Paragraph. PhilipYYFR said it himself. Watch the video. “Honestly, it’s not the best for finger spins,” are his actual words.


I was disappointed by its finger-spin-ability at first myself. It is not easy to lock in, although there is a technique to reliably locking in fingerspins in the dimple for really long ones. But even when locked in it has a small wobble instead of locking in perfectly centered.


It’s just incredibly frustrating seeing inaccurate info being posted.

if you actually CONTINUED to watch the video, Phillip said, and I quote “It’s actually pretty good at finger spins” at 11:52 and “So it fingerspins pretty good” at 12:04 :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Here’s where I said that the first time since you don’t read what I post obviously:

I… don’t know what to tell you other than skill issue lol