Mid to undersized for under 75 recommendation

Hello I am looking to add a smaller yoyo to my collection 54 mm in diameter or smaller for less than 75$

I tend to prefer mid weight and lighter yoyos that play faster, but still maintain a decent momentum.

Some of the yoyos I am looking at right now are the one drop y factor, one drop rebirth, and the yoyofficer shift.

Please let me know how these yoyos play, and suggest any that I might be interested in.

I was going to say shift but you already have that on there :wink:

Might want to check out the Rebellion Gazer. I haven’t tried it, but the YYR Stargazer, which the Gazer is based on, is excellent.

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Thanks for your suggestion. After looking at it, it looks like exactly what I was looking for. I just ordered it.

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While bigger than you want, the 44rpm Rhythm is a great player and only $42.50 on YYE

The Kilter 2 is small without being undersized.
I like it a lot.

The Rhythm is also a great throw.