Mid-Range Monometal Recommendation

I’m looking at purchasing a monometal in the $40-$60 price range.

The most important thing for me is spin time. I like completing long combos and some yoyos simply can’t make it through some of the tricks I do unless I am perfectly clean. I would like to avoid these yoyos.

I am typically a sucker for mid-weight yoyos and I am looking for something that is a bit more on the solid side instead of being floaty. That being said, I like my yoyos to respond quickly to my movements.

The yoyos that I am looking at are:

Hydra NXG
Little savage
Gravitation Y
Fake 2 piece

If you have any of these yoyos let me know what you think. If you have any others suggestions let me know.

If you have any yoyos you are selling in the price range that match what I have described, you may dm me with an offer.

I already own the following yoyos in this price range:

Next Journey

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I was thinking Emotion, but since you have it, Too Deck. It’s basically a bimetal mono metal.


I have gravitony and the emotion. I can say that they are kinda simiilar but the emotion is better.

If you do not want to deviate from the emotion, go for the gravitony!

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yea i can’t vouch for top deck, but i just recently got my first one drop and i grabbed a panorama which everyone said would demand and help train cleaner play. i was a little worried that would mean my sloppy play would kill its spin constantly til i got better but I’m glad i got it anyway. even with my sloppy play it seems to do everything it can to keep spinning. if that’s what od has to offer, i can’t wait to get ahold of my second

If you can wait the crescendo that just dropped at worlds is phenomenal


I second the Crescendo, It’s really good and I can play with it for a while without it getting tiring