i was thinking of geting a all metal yoyo now but i want a cheap one cuz i know im not ready for a $88 yoyo i was thinking of yomega mavarick/dash or zombie by pocket pros the yomega one i know it will be responsive but the zombie i so much cheaper i realy need help ???
try yoyofactory. i can’t recommend the fundametals because i haven’t had the pleasure of touching one yet but people alway recommend them and truth be told it gets annoying with everywhere i see is “i have $60, what should i do?”
but anyways you could get a protostar which costs less than your hitman.
btw you should have put this in the help/recommendation place.
Get a Kerari fro Yomega. Or an Ooch. Both are fan friggan tastic.
Kyo DNS B-grade should cost you 40 + shipping
The DNS comes with dry bearing and no string, so you would need a string and lube to play with it.
Yomega Dash feels great and plays pretty well, but it cannot be made truly unresponsive. Dash isn’t crap, but the DNS is a much better yoyo (not just preference, but overall quality and versatility).
I would get a 20 dollar metal drifter at t r us
It is one of the best cheap metals out there
If you want a good metal that will be unresponsive out of the box and not catch and jump back at you I recommend the Kyo DNS like recommended before, or the No 9 by RecRev.
I’m with Icthus and laxdude99 on this one. I have both the Ooch and Metal Drifter, both can be setup to be unresponsive and both play AWESOME!!!
Try picking up a yoyo on bst forums. It is a good way to get into the high end market. I like to pay around 40 bucks for any metal yoyo I get, because I play 5A and well getting a perfect yoyo makes little since.
Try the metal drifter and pick up a Duncan bearing/parts kit with it. Beefcake it by putting in the smallest spacers and two bearings. Take off one of the stickers. Go play.
Dont get either! If was you I would go for a Dv888 for 50$ by yyf. The zombie is like a lame beginner yoyo and it is not worth it.
Actually, with yoyojam o-rings my Maverick/Dash play better than most of my metals. Beautifully tight binds, dead unresponsive and classy.
Is there any yoyos I can buy at stores I live in Canada edmonton
i dont liv in canada but u could always try an ooch shmoov or yomega dash. Also the plastic grind machine by yyf is pretty good.
i doubt that there will be any good yo-yos in stores.
well i live in boulder colorado and they sell dm and hm lyn fury, legacy most duncans and most yomegas at this store.