Metal replay

What are everyone’s thoughts on this yoyo.I want one but don’t trade or do pay pal any one want to sell one for cash.

Why don’t you do paypal? Its fast, easy safe and protects you. Its a good service. :slight_smile:

I would say op is too young.

That would be a good reason! haha

It’s a great yoyo! It was my everyday throw for a few months. The only reason I got rid of it was because I wanted more yoyos I could easily do fingerspins on.

Now that I have gotten better, I probably could do them without too many issues.

I have one on my BST. Its $50. DM me if interested. PayPal is best, but we can do it without paypal.

Edit- Just sold it. sorry

It’s okay dirty plastic thank you for trying to sell it to me

Lol I tried filling up my paypal once, I can’t draw it because it’s ‘suspicious’ according to them. I had to scan ID’s and stuff and for some reason before I’m done filling out my credit card number (there was a problem in my local bank), but before I can do anything to it they suddenly locked my account for good.
At least it was $10 so…
From now on I used someone else’s paypal or directly from my bank when it comes to paying anything, not gonna use them again.