Metal man Vs. Yoyoingmonkey are wrong.

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vid gone due to lack of awesomeness!!

haha thanks

I cant watch metal man’s vid

I guess Vimeo’s having problems. They will fix it though.

that is why

yoyoing monkey is to cheap to buy an offstring yoyo

Okay i see so many things wrong here. First protostar master57 you cant say that someones opinion is wrong, That my friend is wrong. Then i dont see why you deleted your video metal man but im sure if i saw it i would of liked his better(no offense yoyoingmonkey) but i didnt see it and as for that i would say yoyoing monkey wins due to forfit.You cant delete a vid in the middle of a battle. And metal man i wish you wouldnt delete your vid.

        Wyatt roberrts

I don’t get why people bring up month old posts…

Well its not illegal.I was just stating something that i think should be said.

this is soo old and you just made yourself look dumb

What is not illegal?
…nobody is breaking the law here…

Hahaha i made myself look dumb? your the one who deleted your vid when you were winning and dude i didnt look at the date so be quiet metal man.

plz let this thread die…

metal man is younger and better but the other guy was good also :slight_smile: