Metal finger spin yoyos

For me, the best metal finger spin yoyo is the YoyoFactory Czech Point Pivot. The dimple and angled cup are perfect for landing them whether you’re an old pro or a beginner.

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Second the Sengoku ERICM. Possibly the best finger spins in the game.

It’s the only yoyo I’ve hit this trick with



The Metalhead doesn’t appear to be fantastic for finger spins (albeit doable) because of the jump in the cups. I’ve never played with one though, so I have no idea!

Now the ERCIM is a really interesting option that you don’t hear much of! The name could be better though, it’s been spelled a different way every time it’s mentioned in this thread.

The ERCIM is great for precision in landing the fingerspin EXACTLY where one wants it. However, I still think the Czech Pivot is a better option for learning finger spins. I own both.

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