
i have question…regarding second roll in this trick…after double or nothing drop…
the problem i m having is that do i have to do that in momentum with DorN drop…
i practiced it separately in trapeze trick…but there is another thing to ask.that do i have to keep may non throw hand finger rigid or make a roll turning my body side ways…coz it will hit ur elbow…

other then i m perfect at MATRIX ;D…NOW LEARNING REWIND TO AMAZE:smiley:

You need to turn your body sideways, or make your throwhand and arm go forward when the yoyo swings around, so it is smooth.

Have Fun Throwing,

what :o …
i did it …i did it again…and i will do it again n again n again… :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

thnx samad…