was really impressed with this yoyo. Its so smooth. I comes with a one drop ten ball bearing. One of the best bearings out there. Stocked with markmont toxic dragon string and flow groove silicone makes this throws binding very smooth. The string wears down and becomes soft and doesnt twist anymore after a while. Very nice as a tight bind brings it back perfectly. Allowing lacerations brent stoles and suicides. I can ever get a double suicide in there aswell. I put a pic of the specs up and also pics next to my clyw marmot. Also idk if you can see the grooves for hand grinding. But grinddding with this yoyo is better than sex haha it is sex. The weight of the throw allows it to flow very nicely. Mine is soda blasted and i can wait for it to tarnishhh
it tarnishes over time as you use it. If you order this throw. Theres only 5 left it comes with a sticker 3 packs of trading cards. And also a signed mark montgomery card . It comes by itself in a bag. I have 2 extra mark mont cards so if anyone wants to trade lmk i need a jensen kimmet forsure. Anyways sorry it was so short i gotta get to bed and go canoeing tomorrow. Thanks for your time
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|Y|O|R|E|D| @~~