Manufacturers collab

Tyler first for me, and Miggy second. (not that either is better than the other thats just what pops up) I prefer the 2010 SEVERE for 5a and Genesis isn’t just a book in the Bible…

i didn’t say that it was “just a book in the bible.” but, if you ask your average person what they associate with the word Genesis, you’re going to get “bible” or “phil collins.” and a few hardcore gamers will say “Sega.”

as far as Tyler/Miggy, i totally understand. when i think 5A, i think both of them, but i usually associate Miggy first because i tend to favor his style and achievements over Tyler. don’t get me wrong, i love me some Tyler, but Miggy is just a big ahead, personally.

Hmmm, a Miggy / Takeshi yoyo ::slight_smile:
That sounds interesting…The stability of the Genesis + Something to go with Takeshi’s speed…
Sounds good ;D But it should be a celcon body with metal rims + a shape that suits Takeshi’s and Miggy’s play style that’ll definitely be a win

exactly! a solid plastic body with solid, heavy metal rims for concentrated rim weight. plus, since YYJ has the 5A license, they could get around the YYF/Duncan issue and give it a full marketing push for 5A. market it with really interesting new counterweights, add the YYJ solid-spin axle system, sili-recessed, and (ideally, at least in my mind) partner with Terrapin for the bearing and you’d have an instant hit that would sell out in a matter of hours. if you went with removable caps, you’d appeal to a broader audience and allow for people to add in the shinwoo light kits (the ones that Shaqler uses) if they want. i personally think there should be a yo-yo that has removable caps with other cap options. let people buy other caps for a few bucks per set to change things up. plus, sell blank caps to appeal to modders.

What I think would be good would be the shape of the Genesis, celcon body, metal rims, Center-Trac bearing, large gap, fixed gap with the solid spin axle, mid or full sized so it can be good for 1A, 3A and 5A, sili-recessed that can take pads so it can appeal to people who likes pads and to those who like to sili their yoyos but I think they shouldn’t put caps so there is more rim weight and less weight in the middle ;D

You know that doesn’t sound bad at all.

But I forgot that it should be pretty wide, like Protostar or Northstar wide :stuck_out_tongue:

A lot of that sounds like the new yyj’s though (minus the CT, and shape)

Some of the new YYj most of them have the weight in the middle i.e. PHENOMizm

Lol, I am like a hardcore Christian but I’m also a nerd, I actually think of Genesis from Final Fantasy before all of those. :stuck_out_tongue: and I forgot all about Phil Collins and his band.

Totally forgot about Genesis form FFVII : Crisis Core :smiley:

But I didn’t know about Phil Collins and his band first thing that came to me was the book in the Bible

But can we stay on topic please ???

ILYY and H-spin

I was thinking of that one too, but wouldn’t it be better if it were ILYY x HSpin x Oxy ;D


oxy x clyw

or even

oxy x clyw x yyj x yyf x hspin x one drop x yyr x duncan x werrd x turning point x yomerica spindustries x ILYY x crucial x dif e yo x General yo x chico x SPYY x dream yo x recrev x string theory x jazz yo… XD :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

the ultimate manufacture collab

No DTI?! >.<

Ah… forgot that one

oxy x clyw x yyj x yyf x hspin x one drop x yyr x duncan x werrd x turning point x yomerica spindustries x ILYY x crucial x dif e yo x General yo x chico x SPYY x dream yo x recrev x string theory x jazz yo x kyo x ikyo x DTI x alchemy x foxland x 3yo3 x vsnyyc x northern spin…

Honestly I don’t think any collaboration beween more than two companies would be worth it at all. There simply wouldn’t be enough features to spread across three companies. The individual charm of each company would be lost in the mess.

Uniqueness of design from one company.

Hubstack technology from YYF.

Metal rims from YYJ.

SPRs from Crucial.

Ability to play 5a from duncan. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Crucial x 3yo3

You mean a product from B!st? :smiley:

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