I for one really love the legacy and i think that if yoyojam did the same thing with a victs body it would be sick
if they do actually do this i would hop that it would be/have
69 grams
have a gap being about 4.5 mm
mabye a kk
and aroud 20 bucks
that would almost be my dream yoyo
what do you guys think about this?
oh yah i almost forgot
i think that they should call it the VICTIM
i got a disgined for a off string.what if they took a a yoyo like a dark magic or new breed and coated the metal rims with rubber.that why it will have long spin time. what do yall thank about that.
I wish they would make more plastics, even YYF… I think maybe they should make a PGM2… With the huge H-Shape and plastic with stacks… But I’d dig more weight ringed, plastic YYJs, Im glad their slowing moving away from Hybrid Response
I love YoyoJam, but they don’t have any small bearing yoyos. That might be a start. Other than that, I can’t really say anything bad about them. My Legacy plays like a beast.