Making a huge purchase, in need of opinions.

So I’ve decided to treat myself for New Year’s and I’m looking at purchasing 4-5 yoyos. But I wanted to hear your opinions before I went ahead and made the order.

I’m stuck between two options:

  1. I buy a YYF Nightmare, Horizon, Aviator 2, and an OD Vanguard

or 2. Same thing but I swap out the Nightmare for two budget metals. I’m looking at the Czechpoint, 2015 Genesis, or C3 Railgun.

I’m also wondering if anyone’s got any experience with the Aviator 2 and 2015 Genesis because I haven’t seen very much of either on the forums or YouTube and I’d like to hear how they handle. Any input on the Railgun would be pretty cool too, assuming anyone’s gotten ahold of one yet haha.

It’s really a matter of whether or not the Nightmare is worth it. I really want a bimetal but much like the yoyos above, I haven’t found much on them.

Thanks in advance guys! I really appreciate any help.

Sent you a PM :slight_smile:

Really can’t go wrong with any way you go. However if you haven’t played a bi-metal yet, I don’t think you can go wrong with the Nightmare, especially at the price.

That said, the Railgun seems pretty interesting at only 63.5 grams. Nothing wrong with the Czech or the Genesis either.

Yoyo’s these days are all just really good and as is always said, its all about preference so trying a bunch of different shapes, sizes, weights and what not is always fun to experiment.

If it was me, I would try to diversify and get a different experience in each throw

Nightmare --bi-metal

OD Markmont Classic --organic plus side effects

A good Plastic – Goliat, diffusion 2, or First base come to mind

A Clyw – A chief or borealis come to mind


Either option is a lot to buy at once. Especially since you don’t exactly know what it is that you’re looking for. I would say the Vanguard and 2015 Genesis would make for wise purchases. My experience with the other throws on your lists is limited, though I did receive an Aviator 2 in my mystery box and thought that played pretty well, even if I preferred the first Aviator. I don’t have any experience with the Nightmare, except seeing some people say how fragile the first release was, but a bimetal that really impressed me recently was the YoYofficer Rave. You might take a look at that.

Oh I know what I’m looking for, I’m just a bit indecisive on what to get now and what to pick up later! How does the 2015 Genesis compare with some of the older versions? I enjoyed throwing the 2012 one.

Nightmare, rail gun, aviator 2 and 2015 genesis would be my choices

Weekend joyride horizon halyard first base puffin 2 are some I’ll recommend