Magic drop

My magic drops arn’t landing as they should be , only now and then with luck, i land on both strings not the back one, how can i solve this? Any helps on any other basic-advanced part 2 tricks(Excluding the dr strange,laceration, iron wip+over-under-boing) i will be happy to help with!

i find it a lot easier to do if i slow down at the moment the yoyo falls off the string, allowing it to let go easier, and fall into place better… for me, this conscience moment is as the yoyo is going around the throwhand and (right handed) is at the 2 o clock position…also if you need to, it ok to insert your NTH into the trapeze loop to spread the strings apart… this will help land it where you want it…

and most importantly, give it time… no one is a yoyo pro over night… things take time to learn

hope this helps ya out

I just learned the magic drop for kamikaze a few weeks ago, and now I can land it almost consistently. I have heard many people tell me different things, and found that none of them work. If you watch Paul Escolar’s video, it doesn’t mention it as an important part, but you have to watch very closely, you have to keep your throw hand “rigid” so, pretty much I keep my throw hand straight, in a gun shape, and keep it as still as possible, and I kind of pull them father apart, even though they are already extended all the way (if that makes any sense, it doesn’t actually pull them farther apart, but just makes you thumb and index finger stiffer.)

If you notice in his video, his throw hand stays completely still, and that was the problem I was having originally, subconsciously I was moving my throw hand a little bit. So just be aware of this, and also, when swinging the yoyo over your throw hand with your non-throw hand, make sure it is done in one smooth motion. Hopefully you’ll land it more consistently now. It took me like a week straight concentrating on this darn move, but I can land it pretty much consistently now. Good luck man, and let us know how it goes.

I dunno how to explain this, but when you land the trick, its like MAGIC…