Made an unboxing and initial thoughts on the DD Assasin V2

Just made a video unboxing and giving my initial opinions on the DD Assassin v2! I have some other yoyos id like to unbox and review shortly so those will come soon! id appreciate any feedback or tips yall may have to help me improve on this journey!


Thank you for the review.
I wasn’t sure what to think when I saw the white box right off hand since I am used to Dressel Design’s canisters yet the B on the box helped understand it was a B-Grade. One thing I think was missed is that the Assassin V2 was stainless steel, which is one of the reasons I think it’s undersized. Recently I went with the DD Oasis and really like what it brought to the table. It was smaller yet not as small as the Assassin, the Organic shape was comfortable, and the D-size bearing didn’t seem to hold it back. The stainless steel seemed to play differently than aluminum, kind of felt like it carried more momentum yet I’m not skilled enough to really tell.


I appreciate your feedback! watching it back and in future videos, I intend to be more thorough than I was in this video. everything about the assassin surprised me, the way it carries momentum the way it just keeps spinning, and just the incredible build quality! I reached out to Dressel and he had a b grade that he was willing to sell me after expressing how interested I was in obtaining one and I am super stoked I did! it plays as well as any other yoyo IMO I haven’t put it down since I opened the box and can truly say it handled everything I threw at it with ease.

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