Loyal feat. Jason Lee

Amazing video of Jason Lee
NOTE: Language warning

Didnā€™t see that coming.

What a jerk. Someone who is miserable and hates seeing someone having fun.

Wow. He should get a hobby :wink:

Also, Jason Lee is totally a bad bootyā€™d yoyoist

Donā€™t be so hard on the security guard. I am sure he would rather be something else. I am also sure he is told to keep people doing potentially hazardless thing away from what ever building that was. I am a custodian and sometime have to run off skate boarders, they always give me a hard time. I donā€™t just take it upon my self to run them off. The higher upā€™s tell me to get rid of themā€¦ Same with this guy, if he didnā€™t and someone did manage to get hurt he would be out his job, maybe house, maybe food, who knows how bad his position is.

I fully agree, the guy has a job to do and you gotta remember, to much of the general public, they think of yoyoing as something that can be very uncontrolled and could have much danger because of that.
Even though it might not be true, they see that as so and when they have instructions to protect the people around them and if they donā€™t it can risk their job, then they gotta do what they gotta do, no matter how ridiculous is seems to us yoyoers.

Think before you go flame this guy.

couple things

1: alvin the chipmunk goes gangsta? did anyone else hear a high pitched voice going " I love you on the train."?

2: that dude is good!

3: all kids and teens and young adults rebel at older people. even for no reason. my friends were like ā€œthose need to get the of our backs and stop yelling at us.ā€

and I was like ā€œwell they werenā€™t yelling at all guys.ā€

because they did ask very nicely.

This video is so epic. So much swag.

I will flame an idiot when I see one. Simply put, whether or not the guy was trying to do his job, he didnā€™t have to be a jerk, if it truly didnā€™t bother him then he could have just said politely that they needed to take off, but no he decided to be rude. Now even in Iraq I had to tell people who had the right to tell me to eff myself that they needed to get lost, I always did it politely unless there was a reason to be nasty. This guy is a jerk, plain and simple, you can disagree as that is your right, yet it is also my right to call him out for what he is. That isnā€™t to say that the parties involved in filming the video could have acted a bit better, but why should they? This guy was rude and insulting, I wouldnā€™t have done anything different, he deserved to be talked to like a piece of garbage. Jason, that was an amazing video, your tricks are epic as always, yet I am getting tired of seeing all of the trash floating about in the yoyo world lately and I am unsure of what itā€™s cause is, maybe I just have a chip on my shoulder, maybe I am spot on, either way this community is going downhill and I am unsure of whether or not I want to be a part of that trash. So there, if someone wants to flame me, go ahead I donā€™t care. Letā€™s just not try to patronize others by making excuses for someone who obviously doesnā€™t need one.


Yaā€™ I am sure this guy would have been super calm with several dude with m16ā€™s stading right by him too.
I am sure it would have went more like ā€œwhy donā€™t you take off.ā€ super calm like. Then they would have split with no words exchanged.
for the record I agree with you. :wink: But this is a kid heavy place so keep that in mind.

Iā€™m not saying I agree with the way he handled it, but I sure am glad I donā€™t have to live with the pressure of deciding who is a human being, and who is a piece of garbageā€¦

A security guard asking a bunch of young adults with tats and a cigaretteā€¦ heā€™s going to treat them like trash because they wonā€™t listen to him otherwise. If it was a sweet little girl he probably wouldnā€™t say that but it wasnā€™t. Iā€™m not saying that he wasnā€™t being a total jerk but they were intimidating.

Itā€™s part of the song, lookup: Tonedeff: Loyal

There is no pressure silly, it is simple, if someone doesnā€™t know you but immediately treats you like crap for no reason, thatā€™s when you know you are talking to a piece of garbage. I will treat people as I see them treat others and again, as far as I saw, he is a piece of trash, simple as that. I know a lot of you donā€™t agree with me, but to be blunt, I donā€™t care. If this discussion about how the rent-a-pig acted needs to go on in consideration of my comment, my inbox is open. Lets give the OP some respect by discussing Jasonā€™s leet skeelz instead of the ā€œgarbageā€. Seewhatididthar?!

Dude that throwing was super sweet. Definitely worth watching again and again.

Now to put my two cent worth on the situation. Yes the guard was not nice. I can tell he is not very nice very often. The tone in his voice said that he is that kind of guy that when the badge goes on emotions leave, and heā€™s just mad. Why mad getā€™s stuff done. Further more judging books by the cover is a bad idea. So we have a guy with tats and a cigarette. Personally I have found that the rougher looking characters are generally nicer folkes. From my good old door knocking days it was the Raiders fans not the Niners fans that were nice. (TAKE THAT AND SHOVE IT IN YOUR RED AND GOLD SHIRTS ;D). I can understand trying to keep the peace, but as Moses said violence only begets more violence. You bring anger in your heart to someone they will answer with anger my friend. To beat a dead horse that guy can either learn to make his hard job a little easier by being a ā€œpeace keeperā€, or he can fight the impossible unending fight.

That was pretty sick! I honestly havent seen much on this guyā€¦ definitely goin to youtube some more
And as for the security guardā€¦have to go with d4rqk0n3 on this one. Tats and a cigarette mean nothing as far a persons character is concerned. In any situation where u are working with the public you need to treat everyone with equal respect until given reason not to. So what if they were ā€œintimidatingā€ to the old manā€¦if that were the case then maybe he should be a greeter at walmartā€¦not a security guard lol

He left for the army quite a while back, so he hasnā€™t put out much.

ah, okā€¦yeaā€¦iā€™m sure that would take away from his yoyoin time a bitā€¦a yoyoer and a military guyā€¦gotta love it!

I donā€™t give a crap what they said about that guy or what he said to them, that was so frakking ill. Jason really has a style all his own and I really admire that. And I think he has more control than ANY player on the scene right now.

So the smarty pants part of me canā€™t help but bring up the fact that if you say the ā€œFā€ bomb twice (or less) in a movie it is Pg-13 or under. More than twice it is R rated just for language. Just had to chuckle at the title there.