2YO End Of The Year Meeting 2009.


Awesome meeting until we got kicked out by security.


Awesome video.

Why would security guards kick out yoyoers?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because the security guard thought that we were advertising and soliciting money, so Josh tried to tell the security guard that we were not doing those stuff and we were just hanging out, but he won’t listen. :frowning:

Happy Throwing! =]

They said that we were soliciting money and advertising on private property.
We told them we werent and we were just hanging out but they just wouldn’t listen.

Fun meeting though until then though.


If I join team 2YO do i get super powers too?

Oh my god, that was great! Look, that guy looks like he wants to take somthing! AHHHHHH!!! Nice!

Josh, your vids are the only ones that I have enough pateints to sit through! That was awsome!!

Keep it up 2yo!!
