Losing yoyo's

I found my trinity!!!

almost lost a few bearings… Actually, i almost lost my hatrick once. I was trying on shorts in the changing room and set my hatrick on the bench. When i left, i forgot to pick up my yoyo. Luckily, my mom gave me more shorts to try on and the lady at the desk gave me the same changing room. You should have seen the look on my face when i saw it sitting on the bench… lol

I set my GM2 somewhere about 2 and a half years ago. I just found it 7 months ago.

Haha i would flip out!

I would have thrown up, or felt really really sick. Glad you found it.

I lost my Bad Rep Lite in my room.

I would have laughed, in a weird way, but thats very lucky to happen

you misplaced your Bad Rep Lite in your room. It’s not losing it if you know where it is. ;D

i left my “i” at camp in CO.

No. I’m sure I lost it. haha

lost my fast 201 but then found it a week later