Looper for a beginner

So i really want a looping yoyo and im lookin all over the forum here and im finding that raider ex’s, loop 720’s, speed beetles, and sunsets are the best for a beginner. i know that the sunsets are pretty much out so which of the others would be the best for someone who has never once tried a loop.

I’d say take the plunge and spend a little more on loop 900s. They’re one of the best on the market right now and they’re the only ones you’ll ever need. Just remember to pick up some thick lube too. If you still want a really good pair but don’t want to pay that much just get a pair of YYJ sunset NXGs

Actually, for a begginer, you do not want to use so much money on a new yoyo. But that is not the main reason. For a beginner to advanced looping, it is best o start of with a light looper. The difference between 900 and 720 is tha tthe 900 is a tad heavier which isn’t ideal for new loopers.

Maybe when you get around advanced you can choose and spend a bit more to get the 900.

If 720 is ou, Shinwoo Loop will also do well.

ok thanks guys. well ill see if i can dig up a sunset nxg or a shinwoo from the buy sell trade section since the shinwoo is out of stock. what is the string response on the 720 like? does it work any better than a normal response?

That would be just a matter of preference. I prefer starburst myself.

Alright. Well i think im gonna track down either the sunset or the shinwoo. thanks guys for the help