Whatsb better In your opinion? i wanna get some loopers and i want a long lasting response or an easily replaceable response. is it easy to replace the string response?
id go with the sunset trajectory
I use sunset trajectories and there by far my favorite loopers
I’ve heard replacing the string response is fairly easy once you know what your doing (after having to replace it once or twice). Sunsets, whether you leave them stock or silicone them, pretty much never need their response changed. Neither is really better though.
Do you know if you could use any ordinary piece of yoyo string to replace the response?
I believe so, yes.
yes. i usually use a highlight for the string response, and a 50/50 for my hand.
i prefer something with starburst, but loop with them, you’ll find out which you like better.
if you’re lazy like me then you will start to het the 720’s, but if not there great loopers because of how many different choices of play you can get from different string thicknesses and stuff. if you decide to get te sunsets then make sure you have flowable sili because you will want to silicone them