Loop 2020 help

Good day friends. I’m having a little difficulty setting up a set of loop 2020’s. All the axles and spacers seem to measure out the same. I have all three sets. No matter what combo I use, the string gap is too narrow (for me). I’m using the thinnest string I have and they still play down. Has anyone else experienced this or should I just try it and see if it grows on me?

  • In this video I have- left hand, a loop 720 with my regular strings, right hand is a loop 2020 with the thinnest string I have.

Do you have the bigger axle? I run one pair with Shu’s setup, which I don’t fully recall but def has a #3 axle.

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Let me check. I thought according to the chart, number 1 axle was the longest

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Oops :sweat_smile:

Shu’s setup is #3 axle, #1 and #2 starburst, and #2 spacers.

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Make sure the spacers are in place. (If my memory serves.)

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I used this video to help me adjust the settings of the loop 2020

In order from loop down, middle, and loop up
red → white → black
3 → 2 → 1
3 → 2 → 1
I think it also correlates with gap width from smallest to biggest


i mean who cares what you’re doing, your daughter is the real player :100:


She really loves yo-yo’s for now lol.


Ok ok. So after copying Shu’s set up, I can see the potential. :joy:
Definitely different feeling throws. I still think the gap is narrow compared to 720’s and the shorter string acts like a thinner string. I guess I’ll play with them more in August……


Man, you are getting really good at that! So awesome!

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Thank you. Most days I don’t feel like that. Only frustration at the intermittent spin outs or not catching a yo after I finally land something. But then I look at previous reels and that I couldn’t even loop left handed at the end of March lol. This forum , Fast Eddy and Jon Gates are the reason I’m having any success!