Are a pair of loop 1080’s worth it?
I am currently in love with looping with my loop 808, and I have a spare raider when I bought it from Yomega aaages ago. And whenever I play with the raider, it just puts me off because the raider doesn’t loop properly for me. And because of this, the wider shaped loopers have been something I disliked. However I do enjoy the smoothness of the loops when I do manage to loop with the raider, that’s the only thing I like about it since my loop 808’s are just tugging my fingers away which is why I’m asking this question.
I have also looked into a pair of Unleashed but I’m not very liking the extra weight.
So should I?
1080’s are quite good. I own one and used my friends. It has the perfect response and it could use a little more weight, but that’s just me. I see you don’t like extra weight, but I’m not the greatest looper.
The Loop 1080’s are great, as are the Unleashed. Ignore the weight. You need to play them both to decide what you’re liking better.
I find the Loop 808’s and 360’s too narrow(not gap) for my preferences, too light and I dislike the silicone response. That’s not saying they are bad, they aren’t. My looping experience is limited, but I much prefer starburst response as it seems to stay far more consistent.
My choice? Unleashed. I have 8. I have 2 Loop 1080’s, and 2 more on the way(glowing). I prefer the Unleashed as they allow for a bit slower play. The 1080’s seem to like a bit more aggressive/faster play that I’m simply not up to yet. Keep in mind both offer adjustable gaps. You will need to buy thick and thin lube to dial in the bearings to your preferences. Since these are ball bearing yoyos, you can freely choose what string to use, including Slick6(my current preference) or 100% poly(type 6). Also, I find the Loop 1080’s go through string faster than the Unleashed, but maybe it’s because I have some of the first run batch. This glow batch will confirm that for me, hopefully saying “no, just the first batch”.