Looking to get a first Bi-Metal

Looking to get a new yoyo

Pulsefire is good but not completely amazing. Both have a bimetal (plenty rim weight and stability) feel, but Space Cowboy feels way more powerful and stable.

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If you want something big and fast, try the vkss.

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Space Cowboy all the times!!

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Space Cowboy is definitely powerful, but I found it on the heavy-feeling side. Pulsefire is not an immediate “stand out” in the way that you throw it and think “Holy crap, this thing is uncanny!” because it’s not quite like that. After a few days of throwing it, though, you really notice that its weight-to-performance ratio is awesome… it’s still very stable without feeling weird. It has enough spin-time to get you through your tricks with some to spare. The finish is beautiful. And (for me at least) it has the perfect balance of “solid” and “nimble” so that you can effortlessly hop through tricks without feeling like it’s getting ahead of you.

The Pulsefire is a perfectly-balanced yoyo IMO. It doesn’t have a solitary stand-out feeling to it (“Wow, so light! Wow, so powerful!”) which is why it’s easily dismissed by some. But that’s a mistake. Thing is awesome.

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Second that Pulsefire, it can play fast if you want it. It can also be mellow. It’s a solid throw and is one I keep going back to all the time. Plays lighter than the Space Cowboy and it’s a V shape where the Cowboy is H. So depending on you preferences as well. I also find it pretty stable and provides me with enough spin time when I’m either fooling around with tricks/learning something or going for the long combo attempt.

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If you have the money for it, the YoyoRecreation Valkyrie is really good. It has great spin times and it is comfortable at any speed. It feels relatively solid but doesn’t end up feeling like a rock on the string. It is also gorgeous to look at with a really nice green body and some amazing engraving. My only complaints with it are that it is a bit too snappy when there are lots of strings wrapped around the bearing and the edges are a bit sharp if you catch it when it is still spinning really quickly. If you get it and don’t like it then, if the Draupnir is anything to go by, it should hold its value very well.

thanks! sadly i do not have the money now… thanks anyway though :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Might wanna wait then. There’s no rush. I’d take one of those YYR’s over a more budget bi-metal any day.

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If you can spend a little more and go up to 160-170 ish, get a sturm panzer schneider mk-II

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