Looking for Tutorials for 0A and Fixie Combos

I spend a lot of time on YouTube looking up fixed axle yoyo tutorials and scrolling through fixie trick threads to learn new tricks. One thing I’ve never come across is tutorials for combos. Of course it’s tons of fun coming up with my own, stringing together bits from individual tricks, but I would love to see some from other people. When I watch videos of others busting out sweet combos, I love it… but it’s very difficult to follow with the mirrored image and fluidity of it.


I found this combo in the Bandalores Instagram page.



This is awesome thank you! Still trying to get the hang of the regen out of the brother stall but I’m loving the added element of the pull over between trapeze and his brother.

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I bookmarked this “Fixed axle challenges” search as they appear to be tricky combos and plan to work through them.
