FYI I suck at 2A, these will be my first real pair I guess and I plan on getting only one pair. A second pair will probably come shortly after though
I’ve narrowed it down to three choices based on what I’ve tried/heard.
I really like the weight of Raiders, but I broke my old one cranking it. Not exactly sure what I did wrong, but it definitely feels like the nut is slipping within the plastic. I can’t screw it tighter, but I can unscrew it just fine. It’s that same thing that happened to one of my FH2’s a while back and I had to open that sucker up and super glue it. The Raider’s caps are an obstacle to that.
These would probably be my #1 choice if I could get an answer to my problem and successfully mod them -
I’ve tried these at Spinworkx. I didn’t particularly like them because they weren’t quite responsive enough for me, but I saw someone using a pair and they were great, so naturally, I wanna like them :
Oh yeah and full white Hornets would be coolI’d be taking off the decals(?) anyways if I got all white.
Loop 360
Cheap, nice colors. Grooved response is interesting since I kinda liked the feel of the ol’ Sunset Trajectories. Dunno about this one but what could go wrong for $8 right?
I’d still love to use Raiders, but after the first failed mod attempt, I’m a little worried about dropping more money. It didn’t even break the yoyo really, but it’s just impossible to crank it past like 1/8 of a turn. Then I feel the nut slip and rotate that 1/6 of a turn or whatever into the next position. Anyways, that sounds more like an inconsistency issue with different Raiders because they’ve obviously been successfully modded before.