Looking for Kitchy Encomienda

Recently a man named Jonah slider scammed me out of my canvas and now this guy Kitchy has it. If anyone knows him or can help me get in contact I would really appreciate it, thanks YYE

It’s really messed up what happened. I read all about it in Trader Feedback. That guy you are looking for has a Facebook account, so give that a try. It seems you can contact him on there.

Jonah is on Instagram as well.

What he probably did is what Yoyosandhockey18 did to me.

He got a offer he liked better, and traded/sold it to that guy, but never had the guts to tell you.

So in other words, he sold/traded it to someone else obviously.

Did you ever send him anything? I never caught on to the other thread…


I misread, your looking for someone else, try his FB like TA said.

Facebook, not to sure if he’s completely willing to return it though.

I’ll have to read about what happened to you BC.

Interesting what Yoyospirit said though.  In legal terms, the guy he is looking for would be called a “bona fide purchaser” so to speak.  In other words, as long as it wasn’t a gift, and there was some consideration (money/property) exchanged for him to get it…he is under no legal obligation to return it.  That would be the case, even if he bought or traded it from someone who had no right to transfer it in the first place.

The OP might luck out, and be able to buy it back from him.  His legal course of action would be against the guy who scammed him…not the guy he is looking for. But, maybe he can buy the throw back, or trade for it back.

If any of you want to go to law school one day…read this crap.  Imagine sitting in class talking about this  :stuck_out_tongue: :

Law school is what I should do but no thanks… XD