do NOT trade with Johan061

I am sorry to inform the forums that Johan081 is a scammer. He tryed to trade with me and when I asked for pictures, he gave me a photo of two different yoyos and one of them was the stock yoyo for sale here at yoyoexpert. If he has offered you a trade, DECLINE!

Please leave negative feedback on his profile containing as much information about what happened as you can. That is the best thing you can do to prevent a scam from happening to someone else!

Note: This is in the wrong section of the forum. It needs to be in the traders feedback section of the forum instead.

Thsi dosent extremely prove he scams it just tells you that he either did not have pics orgot lazy.
I do advise though that if yout rade with him MAKE Him ship first.

I have also heard from others telling me that they have lost yoyos to him, so i would not trust him if i were you.

Telling one perseon isn’t definite proof. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but as long as he ships first, then there should be no problems. If he refueses to ship first, just don’t trade with him then, simple as that.

Only leave feedback when a trade is done. Do NOT leave feedbackif you suspect he’s a scammer, otherwise many new people to bst will be thought of as a scammer.

Steve Brown just banned someone at another forum for being sketchy, and he made offers, word for word like Johan did. Account name on that forum was Merc3. Now there’s one here with a yahoo e-mail address of johan something-or-rather. Just a heads up.

The final reason is after I accused him of being a scammer and would not trade with him, he admitted it was a scam and has not logged back into yoyoexpert since then. I am new and have not made trades yet (no one offers anything) and would not want to make him unable to trade with, but he has had negative from others as well. i have contacted these people and they each informed me that they never recieved their yoyos from him. I hope this helps.

On the one hand, we have prevented a scam. On the bad side, we may be looking at libel issues.

First, if a transaction doesn’t take place, it can’t be a scam yet. We have to deal with such technicalities.

Second, the person in question admits to trying to scam, which I haven’t seen outside of posts done in a manner that equate to hear-say and a such is inadmissable. It would have to be in your inbox. A reposting of it unfortunately counts as hear-say.

Third, this is a private manner. It should try to be handled privately. When that fails, it’s best to pull in help to try to have it handled privately. Public seems to be the first option people go to, but it should be the last option.

Lastly, if someone is suspected of running a scam, make them handle their end first. They’ll have to make good. Scammers don’t like exposure and being put in a position where they can be scammed.

Scams are a risk of BST. Always proceed with caution.

Right now, I’m having a slow transaction with a well respected member here, but I have zero issues or concerns because:
1: His communication has been excellent.
2: He’s well respected here. And elsewhere. A well earned reputation.
3: He’s definitely not of the mindset to scam or be scammed, nor would those thoughts cross his mind.

I can’t say that for others, but I’ve done 14 BST deals(as the buyer) here and have not be scammed, even with new BST deals and myself starting with a 0 rating.

If you don’t feel right, it’s not right. Drop it and move on.

I had a deal brewing for a PURE, but I discovered it had a D-sized bearing. I’m not a fan of D-sized bearings, so I cut off the pending deal. I have zero issue with the person offering the item, the item was just not what I assumed it was, and thank goodness he corrected my incorrect thoughts even though it caused him to lose out on what would have been a guaranteed sale, which he since traded away to someone else. But that wasn’t because I felt something was wrong.

Watch what we say and how we say it. Watch how we handle ourselves. We’re in an overly litigious society where Party 1 can sue Party 2 over something intentionally stupid Party 1 did to oneself.(McDonald’s drive-thru coffee spill is an example). Slander and libel suits are long, ugly and COSTLY proceedings that in the end, only the lawyers win.

Anyone WITH Negative Feedback/Concern/Suspection should be shipped first.
It dosent matter if he’s as cammer.
As khim to ship first and dont botherw aiting on his package.
Tell him to ship first and if He says hes gonna ship first then its fine.
No scam done is there?

Just as an fyi, the guy had 2 accounts set up. That and the fact that he used other stores pics as his own in trade posts got him kicked.

I was offered a Ti-Walker by Johan, and he used pictures of a Flying Hut from my teams website (Highspeedyoyo). Very fishy indeed. I was then contacted by a user who claimed to be Johan’s friend, and warned me that he had already received two yoyos via scams.

Today I was contacted again by this user and told that Johan had found a way to create a new account and was planning to attempt this again.

All of this has been reported to the proper moderators, but everyone should keep there heads up. This guy is a total amateur, and with proper caution there shouldn’t be any issues.

Which one tried to scam you? Johan061, Johan081, or both? I know both accounts exist but the topic differs from the original post so I was just wondering.

Don’t trade with either one.,34895.0.html,38250.0.html