Looking for a slightly bouncy string

I’m pretty new to yoyo and I know pretty much any string will serve me well. However, I’m still wondering if there’s a string that has a bouncy feeling and can keep that feeling for a relatively long time.

I’ve tried YYSL Type X, Kitty fat, Sochi fat & C3 pro string (fat). I have to say Type X is amazing and has everything I need but it’s also super pricy. I’m not sure if I really need such a boutique string at the beginning.

So if you know any other options please let me know! Thanks!


If you want something bouncey I would think nylon would be what you are looking for .


I’ll definitely check them out!

Try some Markmont Formulas, descriptions of play are in the description of formulas. You may like this one

Copernicus: A long lasting bright bouncy string option that works incredible against humidity. This formula is very soft across the finger without getting overly warm due to its fabrication. Same thickness as DRAGON but with a totally different lane of control and pocket. This string prefers to bounce at all times, so you will most definitely notice your elements stylistic execution start to lean over to a bouncy feel and aesthetic.