Looking For A New YoYo

Hey guys I am looking for a new yoyo probably something from a non-mainstream company. I am a very experienced player and have been throwing for over 5 years. I prefer yoyos that have a bit of weight to them but can be pushed to go pretty fast. My current favorite throws are the YYF Aviator 2 and the Spyy Pro. I need something that is smooth and can handle some really difficult tricks (Preferable low walled for horizontal stuff). Price range around $50-150. Any suggestions?

I would recommend the YoYoFactory Horizon. This yoyo has some weight to it, but can also handle anything you throw at it. It is incredible at finger spins and any horizontal combos. Not to mention that it costs $50.

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Look into some General-Yo.  There are Prophecies in stock, and those are incredible.  They have this perfect sweet spot with the weight, and are USA made.

I actually have a horizon and love it!

Personally I think it looks a bit light to me personally. But I will certainly look into it!

Yep, don’t let the numbers fool you!