Longest sleep time

I have to write a research report for science and and were talking about how much yoyos have changed and i was just wondering what is the current longest sleep time for a yoyo.

19 minutes and 39 Seconds.
YYF Buddha King 2.

Actually the updated sleep time is 21 min., set by Masanobu Hishida. Still on the Buddha King 2.

Old skool yoyo!

Former longest sleep time record holder!

“Cold Fusion by Playmaxx- 10 minutes”

It was like 21 min 15 sec

This doesn’t have the updated sleep time, but you can do it too!  :wink:


Takahiko Hasegawa recently set a new record of 21 minutes 21.25 seconds.


you should definitely put longest recorded sleep time to make it more professional/realistic.

i once slept a yoyo for 1 hour 36 minutes. but i forgot to record it, so it didnt count :stuck_out_tongue: