Longest Fingerspin Challenge: Cash Prizes $$$

I’ve managed to do that precisely ONCE with my Valor and it was the best feeling ever, my longest finger spin by far.

Yes, the Horizon will be fine. Thinking about picking one up myself… :slight_smile:

As for the other questions, I’m just grabbing some advise from some of the more experienced forum members and thinking it over, I will answer the questions regarding whether certain yoyos will be allowed/dissallowed in a short while so please just bear with. :slight_smile:

Whoever has a Horizon will win.

Or a canvas.

…and knows how to do fingerspins well…

I was just saying that instead of disqualifying yoyos, let’s only qualifying yoyos as they need to be qualified.
If someone wants to use a Arctic Circle(for example), Gambit has to approve it first. An exhaustive list would be ridiculous.

This will be the first time I ever heard of the Canvas as a top fingerspin yoyo! Doesn’t it have a convex (rather than concave) hub?

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There are definitely some other fun options out there too:

Thanks for your patience guys. After consulting with our resident forum Expert Greg and giving it some thought, I’ve decided the following.

This contest is about 2 things; having fun as a community and stupidly long fingerspins. If we all have the same advantages/tricks available to us, then nobody needs be disadvantaged and we can make this all about crazy spin times and not about rules and regulations.


You may use ANY 1A specific yoyo (again, 4A yoyos not permitted.)
Lateral caps may be used. (So Erik, you can use your Theory after all. :wink: )

Hubstacks/Zstacks, Gloves and Matador are still not permitted.

Now get spinning! ;D


I’m really curious to see the outcome of this, I just threw my friend’s new Horizon and was able to get a very long spin (for me at least!), so I’m sure some of the more experienced players are going to get incredible times with it.

dunno if you people can see this link but might as well
direct link: v(dot)youku(dot)com/v_show/id_XNzAzMjM2Njgw.html

Ok, is WD-40 allowed :wink:

Had to go to the site directly, kadabrium… but that was cool. Never heard of Whitewater or L5.

Google Translated comments are hilarious:

“Whitewater new ball assault dad actually called a dream duo”

I’d kind of like to hear your personal records. I’ve gotten 50 or so seconds on the theory. If anybody has both a theory and a horizon, I’d like to hear which is better at fingerspins.

Edit: no I would not kind of like to hear your personal records because I forgot to read the last line.

It is Luo Yicheng in that video. WW is his nickname
I own a L5 but my accuracy of landing in the center ring is roughly pi%.

I own a Theory and I got to throw a Horizon once. For me the Horizan could only finger spin for like 5-10 seconds But the Theory can go way longer thatn that. Its probably because I wasnt landing the Horizon on me finger propperly but thats just my experience with it.

That wouldn’t make sense. The theory has to be thrown at a much more horizontal angle.

I’ve gotten 30 seconds before and walking around my house. Does that count. I got it back to my hand too

yoyo: L5
time: 1:05
Shouldv thrown harder.