
Is anyone here into lockpicking?


Low key, yeah. Used to do it for fun as a kid, now only when necessary.


Once upon a time. My hands are awful now, so I’m missing the nuances, but I still enjoy decimating random master locks around campus from time to time.

(Note: said locks are random and missing keys and laying around. I do not break into buildings. I’m admin, I don’t need to pick things to get where I need to go lol).


Short answer yes

Long answer I have various sets around my house, car, garage, in my wallet and in various bags. Locks are to keep honest people honest.


Hammer, brute force, and persistence has yet to fail me. Then again i haven’t really had the need to lockpick or unleash my anger upon a metal box.


I keep a small sparrow set with me at all times! A fellow nurse actually locked their keys in a medcart recently and I got to save the day and picked the cart open lol


Brick+ car= open car


More like
= time in jail

Nah just tell everyone it’s alright
“No don’t worry you’re wrong”

I keep a set in my wallet but I don’t actively practice anymore. Just there if I need it.

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I was big into it as a kid then as an adult it’s more out of need, Lastime I had to use it was when a tinder girl called crying she needed help getting in her pad :sob:

Just getting back into it. Overlaps with my main field of study which is computer security. Ordered some great stuff from sparrows recently.

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I’m a big fan of covert instruments mostly because they are local to me and in my home town so some personal bias.

I like their stuff also. Have the covert companion and the locksport trainer. Both above my skill level currently. Rusty.

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Yep got into it at defcon, tons of fun.

Bet defcon is fun. Planning on checking it out next year.


My wife is better at picking locks than I am, although I’m pretty quick with a Bogota rake.

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