Lights: My 6 Month Video

Please watch my latest video. Just a quickie to end off 2011. It is also my 6 month video! Feedback is appreciated!

Woahhh man, epic for 6 months your gonna go far

Thanks a ton man, you don’t know how much that encourages me!

wow… that’s awesome, especially for only 6 months :stuck_out_tongue: Love the green triangle/knot capable tricks. Keep it up

Whoah man you are amazing!!!

Thanks a lot! Those are the tricks I think really define the style I want to build

Thank you, it means alot


You my friend are very good at yoyoing :smiley:

Thank you ;D

Hm. Smoothen your tricks.
Make em a bit faster
Work on your most Tech tricks as it will be useful.

theres no critizizm to be made

Thank you man


Memoriesssss. You’re just like I was at 6 months.
What yoyo is that?

That is a Shinwoo Zen 6. An amazing yoyo for the price

What do u mean no critism? Your telling me he has absolutely no flaws?

I wish…