LF Pro Tips For Attending Contests

So, I know I’ve voiced my general feelings about contests BUT

I might be going to the Texas state contest in a month or so. I’m pretty stoked about it, It’ll be my first one.

So, What are some things that I should prepare for ahead of time?

Will there be vendors [that sell yoyos and yoyo stuff]?

Do people BST at these kinds of events?

Should I bring multiple yoyos?

Should I bring food/drink for myself?

Should I wear pants?

Give me some contest hacks, y’all! I’m way too stoked about this rn. I’ve never been around other competent throwers irl


Bring multiple yo-yos. People do BST. If your not competing you don’t really have to prepare. You could bring food. But it depends on where the location is. Have fun :slight_smile:


No pants 100% forget the rest.


I assume pants AND shirt will be required…
Bring a lot of your own string since you will probably meet other string makers!


Hey that’s a good idea.


Vendors are hit or miss, people do BST all the time at contests, Pants are recommended but not required, bring as many yoyos as possible, maybe bring a water bottle or pack a sandwich but you should check if there are going to be places with food around there, most contests break for lunch. Hope you have fun!