Looking to replace the response in my Werrd Pacquiao, which is originally set up with Ghost Pads. There is some sort of red thing in one side now that I like well enough (feels like a Gen-Yo pad, but is thinner than any Gen-Yo I’ve seen) but I have no idea what that one is, either.
If anybody has a stockpile of Ghost pads they’ll never use, or knows an alternative pad that I can find somewhere online, I’d appreciate it (and would obviously buy them from you if you have them).
The only other currently-available option seems to be Dif pads, which I find too slippery. The backup plan which Werrd themselves recommend is friction stickers, which strikes me as a last resort thing. Would much prefer longer-lasting pads.
Let me know if you have the Ghosts or compatible pads!
Well good luck! Maybe they’ve got a stack of Yath’s Carbon Fiber pads stashed away, too ;D
(However this Rewind place across the water does happen to have .555 Irpads, I know that’s what the latest run of Pacs take, but if you’ve got an earlier one it may be different)