Lew Newmyer - Get Well Wishes

Hey guys and gals!

■■■■ Stohr recently posted here on our forums about an old yo-yo pro from the 30s who has been stuck in the hospital recently. He was hoping to have some people send him some ‘get well’ wishes so we decided that we would like to send him one big card with all of your get well wishes on it together.

So please if you would like us to add a note on your behalf just reply to this post with your ‘best wishes’ and your name if you want us to add that too.

This is what ■■■■ Stohr originally wrote:


  • André

Best wishes from the Pettit family in Ottawa, Canada, Lew. Thanks for being an inspiration.

Get well, remember the good old (young) days.

Just tell him get well soon and just wait when you get out yoyos will be waiting for you!

Get well soon! Your yoyos miss you!


Get well soon!!! From the entire yoyo community

It’s a lot more of us today spinning, all over the world. More colours, more technology, better materials, all because of people like you, who put passion into what started as a small craze to the point where we grew to know and love these spinning pieces of wood and metal on a string. Here’s a good thought sent from far across the ocean, from someone that you’ll probably never meet, but that has respect for you and your small contribution to the world. Get well!

I appreciate the fact we can do this, some of us would have a real trouble just sending their thoughts with a postcard, mine would take like a month to reach this man, if it wouldn’t get lost on the way…

This made my cry it was so good. :cry:

i’ve shed tears :cry:

Get well soon:) Greg

Get well soon!-Ulmer

Thank you for contributing to a great hobby! Even though we will never meet, you have my best wishes, and my thought are with you and your family. I do hope you may get to throw a yoyo again, and enjoy the distraction of throwing, no matter what age.

Any friend of the yoyo is a friend of mine.

Get well

Get well Lew! Hoping for the best!

Hope everything works out for you. Get well soon, man.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Get well for us please!

Get well soon, you yoyo god!

Get well soon, and thanks for being on of the founders of one of the greatest toy ever.