Let's Make a Definitive Ten Commandments of Yo-yoing!

Thou shalt not attempt neck wraps whilst using an unclesn bearing.

I’ve used 1-2 month old strings before

Fairly sure it was to say “weak”, old string.

Submission: Shut up and throw a yoyo.


Thou shalt not give orders, and should take thine own advice.

ha! always a trip when that gets re-posted. for the record,i never intended to command anybody, and writing that was really an exercise in exploring my own motivations for playing.

the most important of those “rules” is definitely #64. :wink:

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      1. ;D

Omg why did you lunatics Thank mine so much?

Oh well, it’s too late now. Looks like it’s Commandment #1 8)

lol I’m sorry but I will always do this with my string :stuck_out_tongue: it just seems easier

Looks like we need to start a Pythons of YYE thread :wink:

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Thou shalt wince and feel pain when thee hears a loud ding at a competition

Whelp, the deadline has passed - here’s our definitive Ten Commandments of Yo-yoing:

[b]1. First shalt thou attach the Holy String, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Return-Top of Caribou Lodge into a Green Triangle, who being untangle-ible in My sight, shall land it. (LinksLegionaire) (12 votes)

  1. Thou shalt have fun. (Skitrz) (8 votes)

  2. Thou shalt never, ever, like in neverneverever, potentially restrict your creative freedom or pursuit of yoyo related fun, by recognizing any list of Commandments [editor - even (especially?) this one]. (yoyodoc) (7 votes)

  3. Thou shalt not ding they brother’s throw. (mr.nightshadows95) (4 votes)

  4. Thou shalt not unscrew thy yo-yo to put on a new string. (NathanC) (4 votes)

  5. Thou shalt never leave thy yo-yo knotted lest thy yo-yo recoil on thee and bruise thy knuckles or thy brow. (Behemoth) (2 votes)

  6. Thou shalt not get into arguments over yo-yos. It never looks good for either party. (Lookatthisjerk) (2 votes)

  7. Thou shalt not ask for a recommendation in the wrong section of thy forum. And he who does shall be stoned with comments of a slightly condescending nature from his brethren. (phil the lizard) (2 votes)

  8. If thou dost have many throws, ye shall give to the yo-yo impoverished. (TotalArtist) (2 votes)

  9. Thou shalt not gaze upon thy neighbor’s throws. (RGTproyoyo) (2 votes)[/b]

Thanks to all who played!

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