Lesson Learned about Vintage String

It was intended as a joke. Apologies that it didn’t translate well through the interwebs.


Haha well damn that’s a whoosh for me.

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As I noted, that was then. Processes have evolved and dyed cotton is probably better now. Based on my past experience I only use white cotton, primarily on my looping yoyos.

It translated just great. I’m probably double your age, and virtually everything from my youth is not only “vintage,” much of it is in the museum. It’s always sobering!


I don’t think OTS normal is the same thickness as Kitty fat, it’s thickness is more similar to Kitty normal instead.

@StrangeBird if you like the RBC string and think it’s great you can just get it, if not, you can buy the thinner version. There is a slim version of the Original Throw string.

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OTS sizes are one size up from Kitty. Other players will echo this too, I know other players have done more in depth comparisons. I have a pack of OTS fat that I use for 3A/5A and it’s the same thickness as Kitty XL.

Interesting, because I have a pack of OTS normal and it’s quite similar in size to Kitty normal, about the same as YYSL Nytro. Did they accidentally send me the slim size then?

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Slim is the outlier with OTS and is actually like a thread thinner than kitty normal. Nytro should be thicker than kitty normal though, more in line with OTS.

I think what’s actually the case is just that string thickness is a lot of personal preference and to an extent it doesn’t really matter what you’re using as long as it works. There’s people who play with fat in yoyos with a 4.0mm gap, personally that’s too much for me and I think normal plays better in them. The point is that both work.

The better you are the more of a difference it’ll make, but as long as you can bind in a way you’re happy with, it whips enough to do the hooks/whips you want, and it can handle the amount of string layers your tricks require, it kind of doesn’t matter what the actual thickness is.

Hmm fascinating. I’ll check again when I get back and maybe post some pictures as well so we can get to the bottom of this.

If what you’re saying about OTS normal is right, then I guess that would be the case because for me OTS normal plays like Kitty normal in its response.

Found time to dig out my strings, I find that they all have the same thickness.

Top to bottom:
Kitty Normal (old formula)
Sochi Normal
Kitty 1st Class Normal
Original Throw String Normal