Im a lefty and I can’t figure out a lefty version of it are there any videos to help me
I am a lefty, and to be honest there is really no reason to make a new tutorial for any trick specifically for leftys. The thing to remember is when you are watching a video they are always doing what you see backwards (left or right side). So for a lefty it is actually easier, just stop thinking of right or left and think throwhand and nonthrowhand. Now visually speaking all you need to do is pretend you are a mirror image of the video you are watching. For example, if you are watching a trick and the person in the video is doing something on the right side of the video, you ACTUALLY use you right hand, and vice versa. I hope this helps clear things up. And in case you weren’t aware it is correct to have the string continually wrap around your finger during Atomic Bomb.
I’mma lefty and I’ve spent my whole life swapping what people are doing around, you should be able to figure it out.
This yoyoer is a lefty, and has a plethora of high speed yoyo tutorials at:
being a lefty can get confusing for tuts that always say “put your left hand here” and stuff like that. im always like, “ok…wait, what? ???”
i think its better to see it as throw hand or non-throw hand
for me, my throw hand is right and non throw hand is left
for lefties the TH is left and NTH is right…
TH and NTH are just universal labels…