Lathing yoyos?

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to lathing wooden yoyos? I want to make them unresponsive but I dont have any measurements for bearings or bearing seats and axles and all the guts of the yoyo. And would you necessarily need a metal axle? Or could you just use the wood? Or would that make it super vibey?

I would personally buy a yoyo with spacers in it so you don’t have to actually have to make them in the wood yoyo (PSG, grind machine). I don’t foresee any issues with having a wooden axel, but I’m not sure. I would recommend trying to make four or so halves “exactly” the same. That way you can try to find which halves work the best together.

Chico makes a great bearing seat set.

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You should look into buzzon or crucial spr’s. They’re old, but they’ll work really well if you find some.