Laser Cut Wooden Stand

I’ve been playing around with laser cutting yoyo specific stands. I started with a Deep State, since the narrow gap makes it easier. I thought someone here might be interested.


Aw nice I have been looking for narrow gap stands. All the other ones I have assume a wide gap yo-yo, and don’t work at all for a narrow gap.

If you’re truly interested I could send you one.

Pff send, I pay money for products people worked hard on my friend!

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I’m not looking for money; this was just a personal project and I’m happy someone is interested. If you want one for a Deep State that’s easy to cut another copy, and I think I can just put it in the mail.
(I’m not sure what Pff means.)

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I agree with @codinghorror it is perfect for a deep state and worth something for your time and energy. I would love to get one as well and would gladly pay you for it. The Deep State is top of my list and deserves to be displayed.

Edit: Pff is just what it sounds like… I assume.

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I’m glad you like the look of it!
I’ll have time to cut some tomorrow. Send me your address and I’ll mail you one (or a couple). If you want some text or an image on there that’s easy to do; just let me know. (There isn’t much room, and I though it looked cleaner without anything for mine.) If you really like it, and want to, you can pay me something after you get it.

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