We did not anticipate such a quick response for our Giveaway with the Kubrick, so @chaosgow and us decided to do another giveaway round!!
This time it is simple. Post on this thread your favorite Bind move! It can be as simple as a regular normal bind, or the craziest Bind you know! Either way, post a Bind of your choice and you will automatically be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a Kubrick or a YoYoExpert $25 Gift Certificate!
Limit One bind per person! so choose wisely haha
Last Day to post is Sunday - 11/12/23 - 11:59pm ET! - Winner will be announced shortly afterwords!
My favorite bind that i use is trapese to under-mount to flip up and bind, kind of like a sky bind but with a flip. My favorite looking bind is laceration style bind from a finger spin.