I’m going to get one of these but not sure which. I’ve tried a Papercut at UK Nats and I really liked it, almost pulled the trigger on it but held back because I’ve heard such good things about the Klondike. I know the Klondike has a lot of love and to me they look very similar.
If someone has both and favours one over the other I’d really like to know why.
Having owned both, they play a lot more differently than they look. The Papercut is faster and you feel a bit less of the extreme rim weight whereas the Klondike is very solid, super stable, and you definitely feel the rim weight, which I actually really enjoy in a yoyo tbh. I like them both for different reasons and don’t think either would be a bad choice. Depends on your preferences. I sold my Klondike fwiw after I got a Papercut, but they are both very capable solid yoyos.