Here's what I like, what yoyo do I waste my money on?

I just sold my G2 Arbiter X which was my all time favorite throw. I’m trying to decide on an awesome new throw to get to replace it.

My other favorites are:
G2 Loadout
Aceyo Hipocracy Max
Yoyofriends Hummingbird Copper Rim

What throws would you recommend? I enjoy SUPER smooth throws with a ton of rim weight. Price range $150ish or less ideally, used ones are great too.

I don’t really care about pure raw performance, I just like fun throws that feel “luxorious” and weighty while still being agile.


CLYW Klondike might be up your alley.

Unprld seiji is the first throw that comes to mind for me. There are a ton of good yo-yos that fit that description but for me the seiji has a really special deal for me.
That’s just my 2 cents though and there are probably a ton more that I could recommend as well.

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Klondike is phenomenal as well.
Highly recommend.

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Atmos Ekta has my vote. It fits your description perfectly.


I’m not sure how much I like BIG throws (I find I prefer 51-54mm the most) but that looks incredible. I did try a YYF Switchblade and really didn’t like it since it was too large. How do you think that compares to the Klondike?

Klondike looks spectacular. I’m between that, Aggressor, and a papercut. What’s your thoughts between those 3? I’m definitely after the smoothest most “luxorious” play. I wanna say floaty but I don’t really love organics.

That’s the Klondike exactly. It’s got good power, it’s floaty, and has a very premium feel. CLYW absolutely knocked it out of the park. I bought mine purely off of the hype that it had been getting on the forums and I was absolutely blown away.
Of course, it’s up to you to make your own decision but as far as advice goes, you can’t really go wrong with the Klondike.

I personally like 54-55mm, but the size and thickness of the Ekta’s rims give it a lot of inertia and leads to a more unique feel than the Klondike’s generic-high-performance-yoyo-ness. It’s incredibly stable, long spinning, and the best yoyo I’ve ever used for horizontal play.

Basically larger diameter means more powerful feeling yoyo without increasing weight, and Atmos did something cool with that.


Interesting, I might have to try that if it’s really unique. Would you say it’d feel substantially different than a Klondike, Aggressor, or Papercut? Any way you’d describe the difference?

nothing to add, just seconding the klondike motion

When hearing ‘rim-weight’, ‘hefty but yet agile’ and ‘luxurious feel’ the Original Throw x Unparalleled ‘Nostalgia’ comes to my mind. If you are able to get one I think it would perfectly fit your bill.



Thanks folks, picked up a Klondike and a Graviton Y for now. I’m keeping an eye out for a G2 Carbine and an Ekta for the future!


Awesome. Would love to hear your thoughts on the Klondike when you get it.

You may like the empthy eminence ! Or even the southside . 2 i have had my eyes on for a while now !

Congrats on the Klondike & Graviton Y, I hope you enjoy them. I’ve been eyeing the Klondike as well but I’m worried it’s a bit redundant, it looks very similar to my Plasma & Hydrogen Crash. If anyone has played those 2 as well as the Klondike, would you still recommend it or would it be redundant?

I have a Galaxy Diver 7075 v2 and a Klondike, they both play differently. The Klondike feels more powerful and solid on the string and the GDv2 feels more floaty/nimble and slightly faster. (Not sure if that helps at all, but both are worth owning).

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Yeah, I’ll end up with the Klondike someday soon. I have the GDv2 as well, love that one too.

I wound up getting a Klondike and Graviton Y. Honestly? Don’t really love either of them.

The klondike is nice and fast, but it doesn’t have that smooth, luxurious feel that I’ve become accustomed to with other high end brands like yoyofriends and G2. It feels like it’d be awesome for a $60 throw, but for $120 I’m a little disappointed honestly. It feels too light for my personal taste, which is weird considering I LOVE the G2 Loadout which is 0.6g lighter.

The Graviton Y is nice, super smooth and plays well, it’s just nothing unique honestly. It feels just like all my other throws.

I’m thinking I might try the Atmos Ekta or the Mowl M+. Any thoughts?