kk or center trac

If he loved it because of its feel, then he would have known which one to pick. But because he is asking this, we can pretty much assume he hasn’t.

just work on throw and you will save cash

He’s not asking anything… he’s stating that he loves center trac…

Very true, my stock YYJ and Duncan bearings spin just as nice. I just like the play of the Center Trac a tad more, but no I don’t need it ;D

ok, im going to say this but i know that many of u will eat me for it. I absolutely would put a kk in every one of my metal yoyos because it makes soooooo much difference. not because it spins longer or anything, but because with a few of them they are semi-responsive without it and i HATE playing semi-responsive. i like eithor responsive or unresponsive, if its in the middle i just can’t do it.

I totally understand, plus I won’t eat you… maybe a nibble…