As I start to level up I am trying to decide, do I keep my eye on the yoyo or where I want the yoyo to be?
Where do you all look?
The ultimate goal is to not have to look. But that takes a TON of practice.
Personally I tend to either follow the yoyo with my eyes, or at least look at where the yoyo hits the string. Im not very good though so I havent reached no look levels except for some common stuff.
If you are struggling on a trick and know what you are struggling at, then definitely look at those specific elements until you get it right.
Example: Throwing a stall. I used to struggle at getting my breakaway at the right height, so i would follow the yoyo until it reached the right point for the tug. Now i only really look at the catch point because doing that a gazillion times made me dizzy
Depends but definitely i dont always look at the yoyo. If I’m about to catch a suicide, I look at the loop. If it’s some sort of hop trick, I look where I want to land the yoyo. No rules but always watching the yoyo isn’t the best I don’t think and it seems very trick dependent.