Just stop already... (a yoyo rant)

I only yoyo at work when I have privacy. I wouldn’t do it otherwise.

I don’t yoyo in public spaces where it would be a problem, like in a store or something. At work, I usually go off into a less used part of the library and chill for a few minutes, but once the head librarian and my boss directly over me are gone, I can yoyo behind the desk for short stints. I am acutely aware of the facts that bearings make noise.

I’ve been told to stop in stores before. In a Costco once, by a non worker. Stopped just to avoid a confrontation.

I’ve had the oppposite in Costco both customers and employees. They loved seeing what I was doing. Of course, I had to find a spot and go from there. Costco is just way too crowded and you can get some pretty rude people in Costco (I’ve been nearly ran over by multiple carts and just people cutting me off).

In my recent trip to Disney going through security I had a couple yoyos in my bag. I was kindly asked to keep them put away when inside the park(s). They can’t really outright not allow you to take a yoyo in since you can 1: buy (overpriced) Duncan fixed axles inside the park and 2: buy high end Duncans at the kiosk just outside the 2 Disney parks in Anaheim. SO it’s to be expected that one might buy a yoyo and hop on the monorail to get back into the park.

Fun story from long time ago: I had smuggled a yoyo to school to play with during recess. After doing a couple tricks, several other kids decided “hey, I want to learn that!” and came the next day with their yoyos. Yup, see what I started? :slight_smile: Anyway, we pick a spot at the back end of the grass field away from everyone but not in an “off limits area” where we practiced. Had our own little yoyo club going on. Randomly a yard supervisor is coming as one friend couldn’t get his yoyo back up in time (the rest of us quickly pocketed ours) and we were informed yoyos were not allowed at school and to leave them at home.

A week later we all got together and wrote a petition and used our 6th grade knowledge to persuade the principal and staff to allow us to throw…I mean, kids could play jumprope, frisbee, etc so why can’t we play with a toy that can be safely played in an open setting?

Another week passes by and we get the news that we get a nice big section of the blacktop reserved for yoyoing. We couldn’t leave the area but we could yo all we want during recess. The last month of the school year finale was that our 6th grade teachers bought the class their own Duncan Imperial, we watched a “how to yoyo video” to learn some tricks and then were taken out on the yard to practice what we learned. And it all started by me sneaking my yoyo to school.

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cool story.

I remember seeing some old video that was posted where Andre did a snap start into a gyro flop. Subtle but truly impressive.

I get told by my parents to put it away and do something that matters.

Some people don’t understand that yoyoing is something that matters it may not matter to them but it matters to us.


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You’ve got to be joking… When? When you are meant be doing other things or just when you’ve got a bit of spare time?

What would they prefer you do? Waste away playing GTA or something?

Next time they tell you to do something that matters, tell them this:

‘Playing yoyo is improving my sequential memory, working memory, fine motor skills and concentration. In some measure, it can also improve my abstract reasoning, especially when I am trying to learn complex tricks and create my own. It also helps to develop my perseverance and creates opportunities for meaningful social interaction between myself and other players.’

Tell them that.

Next time your parents are watching TV, tell them to do something that matters.

I’ve got two suggestions…

  1. invent a Nerf yoyo. That’s right. Let’s just see if someone gets a bruise from that little spinning wonder of spongey softness.
  2. become the boss.
    Actually, I have another suggestion…equally helpful…
  3. pantomime your yoyoing. And really sell it. In the middle of a moment of intense concentration announce, “boom! Nailed it!” Stick the imaginary yoyo in your pocket, and walk away smugly. That’ll show her.

If you take suggestion number 3, make sure you get really enraged when you miss a trick.

Being a boss (in a managerial sense) isn’t going to allow you to yoyo. I can speak from experience. You need owner status for that.