Just Got My T1

I don’t think of it that way, but I think they are just trying to present the fact that this yoyo is used to raise money for his disease. They could have done it another way I agree, but I do not find it “insensitive” per say but I see where you are coming from.

Right, they should’ve done it another way.

Evan Evans (Trevan’s father) designed the logo so I don’t think it’s possible that it’s insensitive :slight_smile: This yoyo is about raising money for the Evans family who now have an intimate relationship with medical needles. Makes perfect sense to me. Sorry you feel this way. So far this has been such a positive experience with so much support from the community. I’m surprised to see a trivial critique like this.

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This is awesome! I was worried it would be a little big but the size is great! I love how it plays. I am going to use this and ding it up like its Yelets buddy.

To me the play seems like a mixture of the 54 and Summit. I haven’t tried to many throws so that is as close as I can get to describing it.

^sweet! I cant wait for mine to arrive!

if what you say is true I will absolutely love it, as I love the 54 and Summit!, and for a great cause too.


In case it wasn’t clear:
I 100% support the project.

what a fun yoyo im so glad i got mine.

Heres some photos of my T1 I got on Friday (fast shipping YYE!)


And to compare it with a OD Project. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-IumW8ohwz0U/U1xIePbbFMI/AAAAAAAAD7I/AxXFrfUiJek/w1063-h797-no/IMG_20140426_185852.jpg

And the side view

Nice pics and nice looking project too! Man,I’m so jealous of all of you!I wish I could get one and help out the cause …

I feel the same. “But its like whatever we out here we good” :smiley: (I really should stop using that quote) :smiley:

Got the purple. Been playing it all day. So nice.

Wasn’t planing on getting this throw because my sons birthday is coming up next month. My wife saw the video that onedrop made and said I need to get one. I’m glad we are able to help out a little bit.