Just because a yoyo has a stock respones system does that mean its responesive

for example some say like silicone sticker or Dif-e yo Dif-pad now i have the shinwoo zen and it has nothin on it and it is not responesive. Do some of these still make the yoyo unresponsive or possible make binding easier please let me know

Response systems only exist as a way to increase friction between the sides of the yo-yo and the string. There is a balance between bearings, response, and gap width that all add up to how responsive a yo-yo is.

I’m not sure why your Zen has no response at all, but adding the appropriate response system to that yo-yo certainly will help you with binding. I’d like to see some Zen owners chime in so we can figure out what is supposed to be in there.

The easiest way to make your Zen a little more responsive is by using some type of thin lube. Personally, I use YYJ’s Thin Lube. There are many members who suggest alternatives but for me, this has always worked best. Just a drop should do the trick. For alternatives, search around the forum.

Well said Brother.