Response bearings ect

I need to know more about how and what makes yoyos unresponsive and responsive, so if I put a unresponsive bearing In a yoyo with responsive pads what will happen? And if I have a Duncan and I replace the friction stickers with sillicone will it become unresponsive even tho the bearing has been lubed with thick lube? Thanks, a full explanation of response and bearings would he nice. :wink:

A yo-yo with a thick-lubed bearing will never be unresponsive.

Responsive and unresponsive is determined mostly by the bearing. The rest is in the response system and string condition.

ā€œResponseā€ comes from anything that causes the string to start winding around the yo-yo. On a tug, the friction inside a lubed bearing will make its outer track start move with the spinning yo-yo, and thus the string will move with the outer track and start to wind. If you have a clean bearing this wonā€™t happen.

A clean bearing with protruding response or fuzzy string can make the string catch on the spinning response and wind up. During sloppy play, this may be unintended. String-centering bearings mitigate this.

Of course there is a continuum between responsive and unresponsive depending on the viscosity and amount of lube and type of response.

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This is the heart of the explanation he gives.

Itā€™s really sort of hard to explain it all. You have to learn for yourself. Basically, when you have an unresponsive yoyo, you have to bind because the gap is too wide for the string to catch, and it is ā€œdead unresponsiveā€ so the string doesnā€™t spin around. When you bind it is putting string in the gap so that the responsive can grip the string and force the yoyo to spin up the string. Same with a responsive yoyo, but it is done with only a tug.