Hi everyone I just wanted to ask if anyone has tried any of Jon Gates wood Yoyos? It looks like he’s been making more recently with a more modern design.
I’ve tried one of his early ones and it is a blast! Deffo recommend trying one.
I’ve played his unresponsive and fixed axle - a variety of both. We’ve been hanging out throwing lately it’s a blast! Seeing him this Sunday ( Denver area peeps hit me up for deets). He’s making really great stuff - tops too! He’s such a great dude! Any questions you want me to ask him?
No particular questions I just wanted to know how they compare to like out, fallen 44, tmbr, or the other big wood companies.
Big Wood Company was my nickname in high school!
I’ve got his original laminate model with the dimples. I love it. It’s just as good as any of the main fixed axle companies. I’d rank it up there with the best of my fixie collection.
He’s turning really great stuff that plays as good as any.
Very high praise here. AaronW knows fixed axles!
Any chance you can get pics of the tops?
You bet! If you are on FB he shares stuff almost daily. He’s actually making more tops right now than throws. He’s making these RAD delrin/plywood ones right now that make me wish I was any good at that. He is a joy to watch with the spin top!
Spent some time at Jon’s shop last night it was really awesome! Got to see him turn a top firsthand it was so cool!
recently acquired OG-OM i dig it. After watching ed haponik do some crazy stuff like spirit bomb with a 70 year old imperial shaped piece of wood, i want to see him throw a 0A finger spin with this, lol.
I got a " SE Ten - house laminated maple fixed axle yoyo" from him about a month ago. It plays great and the surface is super smooth. Like he sands his stuff more meticulously than anything. Feels like Delrin almost.
I have the Retro Gamer. It’s great. It’s really light when held but feels perfect when thrown. I’m planning to pick up an SE Ten if I can find one.
i got one too and its beautiful, just feels too light and delicate to throw it more.
For me, it feels really solid for the weight. I have heavier fixies that I worry will burn through the string on longer sleepers (because it’s happened) and I have much less concerns about that with the Retro Gamer.